Today was a day from you know where! It was one of those days were you sit at your desk during your 45 minute planning period at 1 in the afternoon, which by the way was the first time you sat down that day, to ponder what you would have done if you didnt become a teacher! I sat as I tried to calm myself with my classical reading music that I let my kids listen to, and thought to myself, " What would I do if I was not a teacher?" The answer is...well, I don't know!
I think that I might have been a photographer traveling the world finding exotic destinations and capturing on film what most people will never get to see! Yeah that's it! Or maybe I would be professional shopper! Who knows were I would be if I wasn't teaching. All I know is that there are definitely some hard days and some that make you question your career, but I always come full circle and find something fantastic about my job and use my mantra " I love my job! I love my job! I love my job..." I am super lucky to have found my dream job so early! Who knows...I just might one day become the destination photographer traveling the world capturing exotic locations on film.