Anyways.... This is going to be sort of a list blog. There is lots to say and I really don't want to bore you with my hum-drum life.
There have been days that I didn't leave school til about 8 or 8:30. One week we had a faculty meeting, grades, Science Night and planning. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you are a procrastinator like me, things start to pile up.
I am getting adjusted to my hair. I am still not 100% happy with it, but it will do.
I enjoyed some Turkey time ...yes again...with Elizabeth, Luis, Brittney and her hubby Justin and a friend of Elizabeth's (Steve).
I am excited to start the search for an apartment or house or something for me and my future roomies, which I am excited to say are Kara and Sheila! I can't wait. Kara and I spent last Saturday hanging out at the Tipperary Inn on the patio drinking and talking about all sorts of things. I am so happy that they are coming back and we are all going to live together. The thought of hanging out and having a glass of wine with the girls is leaving me with a happy heart.We also got a bunch of free glasses that the bar was giving out. We have a brand new set for our new place.
I also went out to McKinney to hang out on Saturday night. Melanie ( a wonderful friend from work) wanted to have a "swanky" birthday celebration. She ended up picking a swanky bar called the Lotus. I dragged Anthony along so that I didn't have to drive up there and stand in line by myself. Thankful he came and said he had a great time and he would go to the bar again.
All in all I have had some stress and I have also been having fun.
I am trying to find a healthy balance of play and work... Is there such a thing?