Sunday, October 12, 2008

Carrie Bradshaw

How about this? I created a blog! I never thought that I would be sitting here typing away my thought for anyone to see. I know its corney, but I feel a little like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City! I should have some thought provoking question at the end. Anyways, I also figured that if they want my first graders to start blogging, then I should be able to blog too! But I really have to give the credit to Kate Danze. I look at her blog of her wonderful family and find comfort in the fact that I can share in both the good and challenging memories that they make together. I only hope that this new blog will bring me some rekindled relationships with friends that I have not talked to in years. I hope that this blog will give you some insight into what my life is like after college. I hope that this blog will give me opportunity to put into print all of the millions of thought that race thru my head. Get ready!


Sheila Wise said...

Hello Carrie Bradshaw!
You beat me to this whole blogging thing! I have been thinking about it for quite some time, especially after spending countless afternoons reading the Danze blog! hehe! Kate was also my inspiration!
Well, I am excited that I can keep up with your life in Irving while I am over here in Espana. I miss you so much, and can't wait to see pictures and read all about you!! I want Midori right now.. all I have to do is think about Irving and I remember that place - yum!!!

I love you!

Kate said...

brooke! oh i'm so glad that you started a blog! i've found that i'm able to focus a little more on the little things in life if i have a place to get them out of my head. i cannot even wait to hear all about your daily life with with the first graders and the kids at home:)

UDKati said...

Since I have endless hours with nothing to do while I'm here in France, and they blocked facebook at my school, I think I'll take youe blog as inspiration to start my own.
Hope you're doing well,